Edit Contact details and social media links

How to add your contact details and social media links to your teacher profile

How to add your contact details and social media links to your teacher profile

Built in Messaging application.

After adding the core information to your profile we are now going to define how your audience can get in touch with you.

Artis Futura offers its own messaging application that is embedded into our platform.  This will allow every potential client to get in touch with you directly.  When a new conversation is started you will get an email notifying you.  To avoid spamming your email address we will not send you an email every single time you receive a response.  It is best for you to keep a watchful eye on your communications. We will however remind you once a day if there are conversations that are still waiting for a reply.

Social Media links, email and WhatsApp

On top of the messaging application Artis Futura provides all teachers the option to add links to their social media accounts.  That way you can provide a more complete picture of yourself as an artist and as a teacher.  It will also help you promote those channels and increase your global reach.

There is also the option to add a website address to your profile.  Even though your profile text can include Hyperlinks, it is useful to have your website prominently displayed at the top of your profile.

The email address attached to your profile can be displayed or hidden as you see fit.  The same goes with your WhatsApp number.  For your privacy, we have designed an in-site messaging feature.  However, if you would prefer customers to contact you directly through email or WhatsApp, you can choose to display that information too.

Edit Contact details and social media links

Custom URL

The personalised URL option will give you the opportunity to add your name to your URL.  This will again help you get noticed on all search engines.  This feature is only available for the Professional profiles. There can’t be any doubles obviously, so this feature will function on a ‘First come, first served’ basis.

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